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MCI Ontzorgt

MCI performs independent investigations towards the behaviour of materials and assesses incidental and structural cases in all kinds of materials. MCI consults in pragmatic and fundamental solutions, based on multi-disciplinary knowledge of the most theoretical insights and on a longstanding and broad experience with industrial equipment/ machinery and process installations.

MCI is at your service, so please contact us!

Horizontale Organisatie

The strength of our experts with specialized knowledge thrives best in a non-hierarchigal organization structure. Therefor MCI is not a slow, multi-layered organization, but a team with direct lines, both internally and towards clients/customers. MCI is an ISO/SSC certified company. Our personal touch, service and pragmatic approach do not only guarantee optimal performance of our experts, but more importantly enable us to rapidly 'own' your problem. MCI takes care of it!


MCI consists of specialists with multi-disciplinary expertise. Again: direct lines and an integrated, result oriented approach, chalenging our experts to perform their best. MCI is your one-stop-shop!


MCI komt voor een groot deel voort uit DSM/MCO (Materiaal en Corrosie Onderzoek). Deze onderzoeksgroep  (incl. laboratoria) bestond uit multidisciplinaire experts met vele jaren industriële ervaring in het “Gedrag van materialen” binnen de productie-installaties van DSM. In 2004 werd deze groep “geoutsourced” en om deze succesformule voort te zetten en breder toegankelijk te maken, hebben we in 2009/2010 MCI opgericht. Hierbij zijn experts uit verschillende vakgebieden aangetrokken zodat we diverse specialisaties in eigen huis hebben.

MCI is a strong growing organization which anticipates to a dynamic industry extremely well; complex problems can be solved quickly and effectively by our multi skilled experts.

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